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Harvard Studies in Classical Philology - Volume 73

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Descrizione Volume rilegato in tela con titolo in oro al dorso, viii-333 pagine. Testi in lingua inglese / English texts. Indice / Summary: "A Structural Analysis of the Digressions in the Iliad and the Odyssey," by Julia Haig Gaisser; "Bacchylidesâ?? Ode 5: Imitation and Originality," by Mary R. Lefkowitz; "Agamemnonea," by Hugh Lloyd-Jones; "Euripides, Alcestis 1092â??1098," by Marylin A. Whitfield; "???????? ?p??ese?," by Cedric H. Whitman; "Near Eastern Material in Hellenistic and Roman Literature," by M. L. West; "Chrysalus and the Fall of Troy (Plautus, Bacchides 925â??978)," by H. D. Jocelyn; "Symmetry and Sense in the Eclogues," by Otto Skutsch; "Some Callimachean Influences on Propertius, Book 4," by Hugh E. Pillinger; "Pliny the Procurator," by Ronald Syme; "Seneca and Juvenal 10," by Bernard F. Dick; "Theodosius the Great and the Regency of Stilico," by Alan Cameron; "Architect and Engineer in Archaic Greece," by R. Ross Holloway; and "A Terracotta Lamp in the McDaniel Collection," by Sidney M. Goldstein - Una piccola firma in apertura, peraltro copia eccellente.

Categoria: Classici Greci e Latini

Parole chiave: Filologia Classica , Metrica , Retorica , Epigrafia

Edito da: Harvard University Press (Cambridge (Massachusetts)) anno 1969


Dimensione: 22


Prezzo: € 15.00

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