Father Drummond and His Orphans or, the Children of Mary -- Catalogue of Standard Catholic Works, etc. etc. etc. -- The Easter E

Edgar, Mary C. -- Duffy, James -- Schmid, Christopher

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Descrizione Volume in legatura amatoriale con dorso in pergamena. Contiene le seguenti tre opere: 1) Father Drummond and His Orphans or, the Children of Mary - by Mary C. Edgar (James Duffy, Dublin, 1845, 159 pp.); 2) Catalogue of Standard Catholic Works, etc. etc. etc. published by James Duffy (20 pp.); 3) The Easter Eggs. Translated from the German of Christopher Schmid, Canon of Augsburg (Richardson and Son, Dublin, 1846, 46 pp.). Etichetta di biblioteca dismessa alla sguardia anteriore, interno ben conservato per questa raccolta di volumi di non facile reperibilità.

Categoria: Religioni e Filosofie Orientali

Parole chiave: Religione , Cristianesimo , Cattolicesimo

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Prezzo: € 30.00

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