Christian Schad and the Neue Sachlichkeit

Lloyd, Jill - Peppiatt, Michael (eds.)

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Descrizione Edizione in lingua inglese / English edition. Published on the occasion of the exhibition at the Neue Galerie, Museum for German and Austrian Art, New York NY March 14-June 9, 2003 - Volume in copertina rigida con sovraccoperta, 260 pagine con oltre 200 illustrazioni a colori. Copia in stato di nuovo / Brand new -- The first collection in English to give a full accounting of Schad's peculiar genius. The 1920s German art movement "New Objectivity" (Neue Sachlichkeit) created a stark and indelible portrait of German society. Along with Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, and George Grosz, artist Christian Schad is central to any appreciation of this fascinating period in both art and history.Schad is a contradictory character. For all his icy-cool realism, Schad's mesmerizing paintings are characterized by an intense engagement with his models. While he is best known as a realist, he is also credited by the Dadaists as the inventor of abstract photograms, or "Schadographs."Published in conjunction with an exhbition at the Neue Galerie in New York, Christian Schad and the Neue Sachlichkeit includes over 140 full-color reproductions of Schad's paintings, drawings, woodcuts and "Schadographs.

Categoria: Arte Monografie

Parole chiave: Nuova oggettività Germania Weimar Anni Trenta Novecento Venti , La Nuova oggettività è stata un movimento artistico nato in Germania alla fine della prima guerra mondiale che coinvolse principalmente la grafica. L'anno più importante per il movimento fu probabilmente il 1925 , quando si tenne una mostra d'arte a Mannheim dedicata ad Esso - The 1920s German art movement ''New Objectivity'' (Neue Sachlichkeit) created a stark and indelible portrait of German society. Along with Max Beckmann , Otto Dix

Edito da: Norton & Company (New York) anno 2003


Dimensione: 29

ISBN: 9780393324778

Prezzo: € 50.00

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