Oriental Rugs in Renaissance Florence

Spallanzani, Marco

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Descrizione Edizione inglese / English edition. "The Bruschettini Foundation for Islamic and Asian Art. Textile Studies", 1 - Volume in copertina rigida con sovraccoperta, xiv-282 pagine con ricco apparato iconografico a colori nel testo. Copia in perfette condizioni di nuovo / Brand new -- In the late Middle Ages, carpets were the only artifacts from the Islamic world whose market constantly grew. The Florentine archives are an essential source on the topic, storing precious information on supply and demand at that time. The author of this book sheds light on some interesting aspects relating to the history of Oriental rugs, particularly in Renaissance Florence, and brings evidence of how carpets were not only sought after by aristocracy, as well as a broader body of citizens, which included craftsmen, but also by secular and ecclesiastical institutions.

Categoria: Arte Tessile - Tessuti - Arazzi - Tappeti - Moda

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Edito da: SPES () anno 2007


Dimensione: 31

ISBN: 9788872423141

Prezzo: € 70.00

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